How to have a Crush without being Crushed

In an article entitled, “How to have a Crush without being Crushed,” Light Touch Magazine writer, Daffodil Dedel tells how to handle feelings. Here are excerpts from her advice:

1.     Remember that crush is not love, but infatuation. It really helps to keep in mind that this type of attraction, no matter how strong it seems, is really temporary. Like baby teeth, it will soon fall out, and the permanent one will grow in its place—the real love of your life.

2.    Make the most of the best and the least of the worst. Le your feelings buoy you up but don’t let them drag you down. Let your crush inspire you to be the best person that you can be—the person God intended you to be. But don’t lower your moral standards or pretend to be someone you are not just to get his or her attention. You would only be cheating yourself.

3.   Share your feelings with someone you can trust. There’s nothing like a good laugh among friends to reduce the tight situation into a light one that it really is. For example, what a comfort to find out that you are not the only one fated to adore a snob! You can count on your true friends to cheer you when you need it, give you sound advice, assure you of either unconditional acceptance, and, if need be, pinch you into sanity.

4.      Develop your sense of humor. If you learn to keep an open heart and mind for the comedy that is mercifully mixed with the difficulties of teenage life, you’d go a long way to keeping yourself happy. Humor is a parachute for the heart, a shock absorber that you wrap around that vulnerable organ to help it stand the hard knocks of humiliation and unrequired feelings.

5.      Don’t make your crush rule your everything. Treating your special someone as the sun around in which your world revolves is a sure-fire road to heartache. Instead, let your crush be a star in your galaxy—someone to wish for, but not to weep for. Go ahead; enjoy your life—with or without him. Pursue your other dreams, whether or not he wants to share them with you. His being unaware that you exist certainly does not diminish you to extinction.

When he looks at you when your not looking

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